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Модератор форума: Allor  
Правила проведения боев в CBL
AllorДата: Воскресенье, 17.02.2008, 14:34 | Сообщение # 1
клан USSR генштаб

General Battle Rules
Attackers play team 1. The challenging clan will attack in every first 1v1, 2v2 and 3v3 game, and defend in the second game. There is no designated attacker in a Tie Breaker battle.

Camera: Unrestricted
Arcade Mode: Disabled
Unit Size: Normal
Time: No limit
Ammo: Limited
Camping: Corner camping is banned. Defenders can play defensively obviously, but not using the red lines at the edge of the map. Attackers must play aggressively and initiate any form of battle.

Faction Selection Rules
In every game, attackers pick the first faction, followed by the defenders' first faction, then the attackers' second faction, etc.
Once a faction has been picked, you may not change your selection.
Clans can use a faction only once in each series.
Romans may only be used two times in a series, even though they are represented by four factions in the game. The Rebels Faction is also completely banned.

In a 2v2 Tie Breaker, the four Roman factions will be played. Map for Tie Breaker - Grassy Flatlands. Summer, calm weather. Each player must take a different Roman Faction for ease of seeing who is who.

Army Selection Rules
12,500 denarii each
8 max Foot Archers and Slingers (does not include light infantary javalin throwers or Head Hurlers)
8 max mounted units (includes all melee and missile cavalry as well as chariots)
6 max of the same unit
2 max Horse Archers/Chariot Archers (Note: Javalin cav are not considered as Horse Archers)
2 max Beserkers
No Artillery (includes onagers, scorpions, ballistas)
No Elephants

NOTE: Clans may negotiate to allow Max 1 Elephant per team only, if both parties agree. This must be done in the original challenging thread to avoid the potential for "cheat accusations". All other rules are to stay, unless both clan specifically want to change them, in which case they need to make it public again. In case of disagreement, the above rules will be used.

Battle Maps
1v1: Forest map - Darth: Crimania. Winter, snowfall.
2v2: Desert map - Syrian Flats. Summer, hazy.
3v3: Neutral map - Grassy Flatlands. Summer, clear.

Note: For the 1v1 map, you will need to download a Map Pack - available at TW Centre.

Unfinished (crashed) Games
If the game must end or crashes, and the players feel the outcome was not decided yet, they can play it again, or reschedule it. In replayed/rescheduled battles, the same armies should be deployed, preferably in the same order. Players with notorious crash problems should be substituted.

If a team feels that they would definitely have won the battle, they can instead submit the battle replay to the Staff for review. Staff will then watch the battle and judge whether or not one side had a definite advantage at the time of crashing. If yes, the winning team will be awarded the win. If no, the game will be replayed in the manner posted above.

Violation of rules
Should you notice that your opponents have broken a rule, please double-check you are right, then notify them about this politely and try to solve the issue by either agreeing on continuing the game as it is, or restarting it. Changes made to armies in the second case should be minimal, and only apply to the Rule Breaker(s).

If you notice you have broken the rule, similarly tell your opponents, and try to solve the issue by either withdrawing violating units or restarting the game, with a minimal change in armies.

Note that if you have broken the agreed/default rules, and it went unnoticed during the battle, but was discovered afterwards, you need the consent of the opposing clan to claim a victory, otherwise the battle will be played again. Of course, the victory of a team that has not broken the rules is valid even if the other team broke them.

If there is a dispute, the Staff will decide on the basis of the information in the challenge thread as well as the battle replay. It may be beneficial therefore to take Screenshots of your opponents armies after the battle for ease of viewing.

Прикрепления: 3692695.jpg (102.6 Kb)

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